CSR Policy

Our commitment to sustainable business
This document outlines Upbeat Spirits' intent to work in a responsible and sustainable way. It sets out the policies which guide our operation and our overall approach to the five key areas of sustainable business: People, Communities, Ethics, Environment and Quality. CSR and Sustainability are terms used often, and often misunderstood. They are also fast-moving concepts - subject to continuous change as global understanding of these areas improves and the bar is raised higher. Because of this, we do not claim to have all the answers. However, we do believe we have the right attitude and the very best intentions - and firmly commit our business always to change and improve whenever new ideas show us better ways of working.
Our people
Upbeat Spirits is passionate about its people and believes strongly that we can only meet our business objectives through a well-trained, empowered and motivated workforce who also enjoy working with us. We aim to be a fair and respected employer, one valued by its employees.
Our commitment:
"Upbeat Spirits will offer fair and equal employment opportunities for all - regardless of gender, race, religion, or age. We will provide a good quality working environment, with comfortable facilities, the most appropriate technology and equipment, and individual attention to career planning and support. We will always provide the right level of health and safety equipment and training. We aim to not just meet, but exceed, the necessary legislation. We will communicate properly our company aims, values and objectives, and consult our people about all relevant issues."
Our community
We intend to operate our business to the highest standards. This also affects our behaviour in respect of the community in which we operate and other organisations with which we come into contact. Through 8Track Rum, we will seek actively to be involved in community projects and initiatives to extend our value to music and the music community. We will engage constructively and shape our activities so that our business is always regarded as a valued and listening contributor to independent musicians, artists and venues.
Our commitment:
"Upbeat Spirits view our local community as an asset and one in which we should fairly invest and give-back to through wide-ranging means. Ultimate measurement is demonstration that the communities we operate in are enhanced as a result of Upbeat Spirits and 8Track Rum being part of them."
Our ethics
We will apply the highest possible business ethics in all our supplier relationships focussing on integrity, professionalism and standards. An important aspect of our work involves buying goods in overseas marketplaces. Wherever we buy, we will apply the same high standards that we apply to our own local operation plus additional diligence in relation to the pertinent additional risks.
Our commitment:
"All Upbeat Spirits personnel responsible for supplier relationships shall be trained in and abide by the Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply 'Personal Code of Ethics'. All Upbeat Spirits suppliers shall have completed and passed the Upbeat Spirits 'EEQ (Ethical, Environmental & Quality) Commitment' prior to achieving 'approved supplier' status. The Ethical element of this commitment will work towards standards outlined within the SA8000 accreditation by Social Accountability International, the leading international benchmark for ethical compliance. Further, random audit programmes shall be undertaken by both Upbeat Spirits and independent, accredited and recognised bodies, to ensure information contained within the 'EEQ Commitment' is executed satisfactorily."
Our environment
Upbeat Spirits seeks to operate its business in a sustainable way, which minimises our impact on the environment. We operate a process of continuous improvement that reacts quickly to new advice and will always seek to apply the most up to date standards.
This takes account of several factors. Internally the approach manifests itself through the intelligent and minimal use of resources such as energy and effective waste handling, promoting multi-material recycling with zero-tolerance to landfill.
Externally we shall ensure that product suppliers hold similar values and have a process-driven approach in this area. We shall then ensure a continual focus with transport partners on programmes to reduce emissions impact.
Our commitment:
"Upbeat Spirits will work to the standards of ISO 9001, the internationally accepted standard for development and execution of an effective Quality Management System."
Our quality
Upbeat Spirits recognises Quality is the cornerstone of our business. Without the provision of a quality service and quality products we will not have a sustainable business.
Our commitment:
"All Upbeat Spirits managers will have quality-orientated SMART objectives for their departments, which shall be regularly reported, analysed and reviewed."